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19 love songs

Verfasser/in: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Levithan, David
Verfasserangabe: David Levithan
Jahr: 2020
Mediengruppe: B.Bell.Jug/L.ragazzi


Zweigstelle: Schulbibliothek Standorte: Levi Status: Verfügbar Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist:


19 Love Songs, from New York Times bestselling author David Levithan, delivers all of these stories and more. Born from Levithan's tradition of writing a story for his friends each Valentine's Day, this collection brings all of them to his readers for the first time. With fiction, nonfiction, and a story in verse, there's something for every reader here.
Witty, romantic, and honest, teens (and adults) will come to this collection not only on Valentine's Day, but all year round.
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ISBN: 978-1-9848486-6-6
Beschreibung: 312 pages
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Sprache: englisch